14 Types Of Men Women Are Likely To Cheat On

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One of the significant issues regarding the matter of love relationship is cheating. Most marriages and relationship have arrived at a sudden end all because of cheating. Both partners, either women or men all cheat, but society emphasizes more on women, and this is because of the way they were trained or brought up. Women are expected to always be good examples to others and so they are always at the receiving end.

From our homes, ladies are made to clean, wash, help their mother to cook and do home chores. while their brothers watch T.V. or go out to play soccer. Same scenario happens in relationships, men cheat while if a woman tries it, she’s into a bad situation. Society will look at her in disdain and she might even be stigmatized, especially in an African community.

The question we need to ask is, how do we stop women who cheat from cheating? Sometimes it’s not always the fault of the cheating partner, sometimes the non-cheating partner is also to blame.

So we are forced to ask, “Why do women Cheat?’, There are many reasons why a woman may decide to cheat on a man they love, as the saying goes, there’s always a reason behind every action.

The cheating partners are not entirely to be blamed as sometimes, there are certain things the other partner does, that will force or urge the cheating partner to cheat on them. This does not mean, he or she doesn’t love their partner, but sometimes it’s to satisfy a desire that’s lacking.

Women are complex in nature and so hold a lot of grudges inside and hate to go through pain emotionally. Women are vulnerable when it comes to emotions, which is why women can withstand physical pain than men. We know this statement will be disagreed by most men so we will leave that for another article but it’s obvious women can withstand pain than men could, good example is labor. But when it comes to emotions, women will easily scramble and so if you know you lacking what a woman really desires, the likelihood she will cheat on you is very high.

In this write up, we wish to bring to the foreground, certain types of men, women are likely to cheat on due to their way of life or principles which goes contrary to what women believe or wish for. So if you fall within any of these types of men, then you need to look twice at your woman because she’s likely to cheat on you.

One minute man

If you know you are the kind of man who has a premature ejaculation problem, then you need to cure yourself quick and fast. If you’ve been with her for years and she’s not complaining, then we are sorry to inform you, there’s someone beside you doing the job you fail to complete.

S*xual satisfaction in women is a bit complex compared to men. In men, it’s a steep graph and doesn’t take anything to ruin it, but in women it’s a whole process and involves a lot. A woman’s road to orgasm is like plateau when drawn on a graph, and so it takes longer for them to reach an orgasm and a little distraction can ruin everything, so as a man, you need to take time to prepare her to reach that “holy land”.

But if you’re a one minute man (premature ejaculation), then you’re asking for trouble if you don’t go for medication. This is because, women find it annoying and I mean very annoying if you start and end in a minute. Is like sparking an engine and before you could step on the accelerator, the engine goes off, imagine how you will feel, same way here.

A woman expects you to wine and grind for some time before blowing off and so if you go off within some few minutes, it’s better you don’t start it at all, she might even be angry with you.

So if you know you find yourself in this category, then you must know she’s likely to cheat on you, not because she doesn’t love you, but because she needs someone to fill in the gap you always leave behind.

Little tiny man (Penis)

It’s said that, size does not matter, because all the sensitive nerve endings in the vagina are located right at the entrance of the vagina and so even a finger can satisfy a woman. Dude! Before you go about believing this fallacy, you need to ask yourself some few questions, 1. Is the finger the same as the penis? 2. Does the penis have bones in it? 3. Does it have knuckles and irregular joints? 4. Can it twist and turn like the finger does?

If you answer yes to all this questions, then you can go ahead and keep believing thos fallacies. We are not saying you should have 10 inches penis before you can satisfy a woman, no! but an average size is always good and you should know how to use it and when we talk about average size, we talking about 5-8 inches. Actually when a woman says, size does not matter, she’s referring to something between 6-8 inches, not lesser. The compassionate ones may consider 4-7 inches.

If you have a penis that measures 2-4 inches, brotha!!! You’re in trouble, she’s likely to cheat on you. Don’t believe those sweet lies she keeps telling you about, how it’s okay, and how she loves it the way it is, if she finds a guy who bypasses the void you’ve left unoccupied, she’s likely to keep both of you and even if you’re not lucky, you will be friend-zoned. Both of you because she loves you and intends not to let you go while the other person completes the job you left unfinished or if you’re not lucky she falls in love with the other person, then you will be dropped like a hot coal.

Stingy men

Women are naturally stingy and hate competition and so if you are stingy, you become a threat for them…lol!! Truth is women hate men who are stingy, not because they need you to buy the world for them or build a mansion but women believe a man should take responsibility of them, and that to them shows affection, care and love. Taking care of their basic needs is what they seek from men and not to buy them the world.

As a man, you don’t expect a woman to visit you, sleep overnight, you get to bang her the whole night and when she’s leaving, you just bade her farewell because you think she’s got enough on her, nope! That clearly shows you’re stingy. After having a field day, it’s nice to pay her transportation both in and out, and even add some money for spending. A woman who loves you may overlook it but won’t forget and may refer you to it sometime. Note! Never think if you’re in this lifestyle and she keeps coming to you means she’s stupid, it means she’s probably keeping two of you. The other is paying and you are enjoying, but know that, when love sets in, that’s when she will leave you in pain.

Also note this, if you’re in a habit of paying the fair and taking back the balance from the driver, desist from it. When you do that, women meet and they discuss it.
If you’re stingy, there’s the likelihood a woman will cheat on you to replace the void you’ve left for another man to fill it in.

Poor men

It’s rather unfortunate but if you’re poor, the likelihood your woman will cheat on you is very high. Women see men to be their protectors and feels to prove you love them, you must satisfy their basic needs, such as buying them gifts, taking them out from time to time etc. just to show you love and care for them.

So if you’re poor and can’t take care of these basic needs, you’re no different from the stingy man, the only difference is that, stingy men have the money but don’t want to spend, you on the other hand, do not have yet she expects you to spend.
Some women will say it’s okay, but will still cheat on you just to satisfy their needs. Some will go as far as taking from other men to give to you out of compassion. Don’t be happy about it if she keeps giving you money.

If you’re not lucky and another man starts showering her with gifts you will be unable to afford, and shows her all the fine things in life, she’s likely to drop you for him.

The workaholic

It is good to be hardworking and also good to make good money, but if you put your work as your top priority, the likelihood your partner will cheat on you is higher.

There are some men who always see women as a liability and so will always put them second to their business. When you do that, you end up worshiping your business or job instead of the love of your life. What happens is, you neglect the attention and love she needs and before you know it, “a shoulder to cry on, becomes a d**k to ride on”. Another man will be ready to give her all the attention and love she needs.

Women naturally love to be pampered, cared and demands much attention and so if you ignore these things, she’s likely to cheat and not because she doesn’t love you, but because she craves for these things naturally and when she finds them missing, she will search for it.

Coward men

Women love protection and if there’s any person they will want it from, it should come from their man. Even if you stand your grounds and lose a fight, your woman will love it than bolting and leaving her behind.

If you’re the coward type, then you should know your woman will definitely cheat on you with a man who is brave enough to stand his grounds and fight to protect her.

Unromantic men

As stated earlier, women love to be pampered and one thing is they love surprises and so if you’re the type who is insensitive to a woman’s desires and wishes, she might be with you, but she’s likely to cheat.

Being romantic does not really require a lot for a woman, all she wants is to call everyday, talk for long hours and tell her sweet words, buy her little gifts such as jewelries, shoes and a lingerie, write her short love quotes. All she wishes to know is a reassurance of your love, that’s why they demand this attention.

Never forget her any event you shared together or her birthday or even the first day you met.

But if you love her and overlook all these things, then you should be ready to face the gun. The moment she meets a man who satisfies these needs, you’re doomed and the painful part will be that, she might not want to let you go and may keep both of you, without your knowledge.

Low libido men

There are men out there who just have low libido and covers it up with being “chrife”, dude! get your “hardon”.  Women may pretend they don’t really love s*x, but fact is, they do, but as we stated, they pretend.

They will love you to hold them in your arms and cuddle them from time to time and have s*x. But if you cover it up with “I’m busy”, “I’m tired” etc. she will find someone who is ready to jump on it.

It’s bad to stay with a woman for 6-8 months without s*x, some even says, 1 month is bad, we are just quoting the extreme here.

Unless you’re in a relationship where  you’ve both agreed no s*x till marriage, even with that, you need to be careful if she’s not a virgin or else before you know it, another man is banging her while she keeps you in wait.

Arrogant men

Men who are full of themselves have a big problem keeping women. Women are naturally compassionate and emotional and hates it when you treat others bad and so if you’re with a woman and you’re full of yourself and thinks you have it all, she’s likely to cheat on you or even dump you.

Authoritative men

In the society that we live, men have been brought up thinking women are suppose to serve them and so we still have some men who are stuck in this old mentality and want to order women around as if they are their slave. They do not show them respect and talks to them anyhow.

If you’re that kind of man and your woman hasn’t left you yet, then you should know, there’s a gentleman taking care of what you lack, respect for women.

Shouting and commanding women is one of the things they hate, allow her to make her decision and guide her when she’s wrong, if she doesn’t accept your guidance, allow her to make the mistake, she will learn from it. Women sometimes behave like children but it’s best for them because just like children, the more mistakes they make, the quicker they learn and so don’t try to impose your principles on her to do your bidding.

Guide and encourage her when she goes wrong, lift her up when she falls, if she makes mistakes, don’t make it seem like she’s incapable of doing anything, guide her. But when you go all out to make her seem useless, if she finds a man who does what we’ve stated, then you should know, she’s definitely going to cheat on you.

Remember, what you say is not final, it can be altered and she’s the one person who will do that and so be prepared.

Mummy’s boy

Fully grown men who still acts as if they are still sucking their mummy’s breast should be ready to lose their wives or girlfriends. A woman expects you to be the head who makes the decisions and so if you keep going to mummy to decide the boxers you should wear then that means you are indecisive and can’t even take control of your own life, how much more hers.

Women prefer men who can protect them and help them grow, women see men to be their rock and so in a relationship, they wish to walk to you to help them with an equation and should be able to solve a problem from work, but if you always have to depend on your mum for all the answers, then you have a problem.

If all the decisions you make are that of your mum’s, then you should know you are treading on dangerous grounds. If she’s still with you, then you should know, another man could be banging her.

Mr. Too nice guy

It’s good to be romantic and caring towards a woman but if you over do it, women see you to be either too emotional or weak. Men who easily cry at the slightest emotion are considered to be weak. A woman expects you to protect her and give her a shoulder to cry on, but if she’s the shoulder you always want to cry on, she sees you as a baby and can’t protect her and so she’s likely to cheat on you or even ditch you for another guy who is emotionally strong.

It’s nice to buy her gifts and flowers from time to time, but when you overdo it, it takes away the excitement. If she’s able to order you around and sees you’re lose, she will also think you’re weak and will cheat with a more interesting person. Women actually see men who are too nice to be boring and so if you fall within this category, then you should know, she’s likely to cheat on you.

“Book Long”

Women like to talk about life and nature, no matter how intelligent she’s, she still wants to keep that for the class room and will want to talk about social life and socializing.

If you’re the type of man who only talks chemistry, archaeology, anthropology, rocket science, mathematics and equations everywhere you go, you become too boring for women. 

Though women love intelligent men, they prefer you also talk about s*x, interesting stories, fashion, music and gossip with you a bit. But strictly always talking books makes you boring and so if she is really into you and still wants to keep you, she’s likely to cheat on you to compliment what she’s missing, so take note. Women love it when you are a bit naughty

Impatient men

Women are vulnerable and physically weak or so their brain have been programmed to believe and so they depend on men to protect them but if the one person they depend on is impatient with her, then there’s doom.

If you’re the type of man who is always angry at your wife or girlfriend, likelihood she will cheat is very very high. This is because, anytime she’s sad, she will want to find someone to talk to and men who need such opportunities will be willing to offer a shoulder and as we said, “A shoulder to cry on becomes….”

Before you know it, she’s cheating on you with the other guy.

It’s not bad to shout sometimes to show your frustrations but to make it a habit of getting angry at the slightest provocation or beating her will worsen the case and even if you’re not lucky she might break up with you or even send you to jail.


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