I'm Not Bleaching & So What If I Dont Wear Bra? - Yvonne Nelson

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Recently, the Gollywood actress came under fire for not wearing bra to an event that held in Accra Ghana.

According to reports, the actress who aptly denied the first accusation however defended herself for not wearing bra to the event.

Here are excerpts;

How are you doing, Yvonne?
I’m good.

You look fabulous
Thank you.

What’s the secret?
It’s God, I guess.

(Holding her left hand…) So, what’s this pomp and noise about you and bleaching? But you don’t look anywhere near it, Yvonne. Or it’s the camera lights?
(Smiling…) Maybe… (The crowd roared…)

(Pointing to her chest…) But the one with the bras, I have seen it. It’s true.
(Blushing…smiling…no reply)

But why don’t you put on bra?
Because I don’t have big bosom. So, what’s the point?

You don’t have big bosom? So, what’s the point?

Ladies, is that a genuine reason to go out bra-less… What is the function of a push up bra? 


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